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Because everyone deserves something as unique as they are.

Get your custom bobblehead is easy!

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Get Your Bobblehead

Why choose us?

True 3D likeness

Our bobble head dolls are 100% handmade - not cast into molds and just painted. Our bobble head dolls are sculpted with different color clays, so the final product is actually brighter, true 3D likeness and higher quality.

Proofing for every step

Free proofs are given on every step we create. Changes can be made like making the nose wider or lips thinner - this means a great deal when sculpting your doll to ensure satisfaction.

Fast processing

In Yesbobble, everything is process fast, we can make and deliver your custom bobblehead within 5 days, and we ship all the bobbleheads doll with Fedex 3 days express shipping.

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